The AM Capital platform gives clients access to the most promising venture capital deals and companies with high profitability potential.
Venture capital investments -you can invest in companies that are in early stages of development. These companies are usually called startups.
The main reason is profitability. Venture capital investment is the highest-yielding asset in the world, and successful venture capitalists sit tightly in Forbes lists.

Venture investments

To understand the order of figures: the first investments in Google were only $100,000, in Facebook $500,000, and in Apple $150,000. Today, even the smallest shares of these companies are worth tens of billions of dollars.
of venture capital investments
The current capitalizations of Apple and Google exceed a trillion dollars, the capitalization of Facebook is $600 billion. Yes, these are exceptional cases. But the venture capital business is entirely built on exceptions, so the examples are appropriate.
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Known examples of venture capital companies

Launch year:
Value growth:
16 000 times / 8 years
It operates in seventy-six countries. Uber shares are traded on the stock exchange, and the company's capitalization is $64 billion. However, back in 2010, Uber was valued at $4 million in the angel round.
Same as Uber, only for rental housing. Valued at $35 billion, it is one of the few venture capital projects that has a positive operating profit. The company's valuation in the angel round was $2.5 million.
Launch year:
Value growth:
14 000 times / 8 years
Launch year:
Value growth:
It has 750,000 users. Shares of Zoom are traded on the stock exchange, the company's capitalization is $24 billion. The company's valuation at Series A was a thousand times less and was $24.5 million. Seven years have passed since then.
Launch year:
Value growth:
510 times
The valuation at the last venture round was $7.1 billion, the current capitalization on the stock exchange is $12 billion. At Series A, the company was valued at $23.5 million, which is three hundred times less than the current values.
record numbers
1 000 times / 8 years

Venture deals

Unique service in the field of online education for children
Venture Deal #11
Teleporta — a video communication platform using artificial intelligence technology.
The leader in ultra-fast food delivery in the UAE.

Venture capital deals,
in which we participated

since 2022
since 2023
since 2023
since 2022
Venture deal №5
since 2022
Venture deal №6
since 2023
Venture deal №9
We suggest 3 ways of fixing the position
Profit fixing after the investment round initiated by our analysts
Reselling the asset to other clients on the platform
AM Capital (P2P)
Sale of the asset to the issuer-platform AM Capital with an increased commission
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3 ways to fix the position
Transparency of transactions
Availability to investors
High liquidity
All on the platform
One of the disadvantages of investing in nonpublic companies is the liquidity of your investments - to sell your asset, you or a broker must first find a buyer. Without this, the sale will not take place.
Brokers are often reluctant to help clients find new buyers, making investments uncertain over time.
On the AM Capital platform you can see that we do not hide the price of the asset, but on the contrary, we put it on public display. Any actions with your assets are available in your personal cabinet
On the AM Capital platform you don't need a huge initial capital and the status of a qualified investor, buying assets and participating in transactions starts from $1000
On the AM Capital platform, you can build a balanced portfolio of different assets with several exit options from these assets
AM Capital is a licensed, audited platform registered in the UAE and has a representative office in the Russian Federation. We are very careful about the safety of our investors, so we rejected offshore, unregulated jurisdictions

Why invest
with AM Capital?

For convenience, we have developed and implemented a convenient, informative and multifunctional Personal Cabinet, through which the investor can always know his own income, and if necessary - to fix a position before the deadline and cash out funds
Blog about venture capital investments, venture deals, investment property in dubai, expert articles and market analysis
articles and cases
#venture deals
#AM Capital
How Venture Capital Investment Raised Giants
What is venture capital investment?
Dubai real estate. Outcomes 2022 and prospects
A type of investment in which investors invest in early-stage, high-potential startups with the expectation of a high return on investment.
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A type of investment in which investors invest in early-stage, high-potential startups with the expectation of a high return on investment.
all questions
on investments
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